Enabling access to nuclear and life sciences healthcare solutions.

10+ Yrs Experience

We have a dynamic team with over a decade of cumulative experience in the Nuclear and Life Sciences Industry.

2 Innovative Brands

Our two leading brands specialized in the importation & distribution of Nuclear and Life Sciences Technologies.

12+ Global Partners

Delivering efficient and first-rate services through our wide partners network in Nuclear and Life Sciences Technologies.

Xenopia Group Limited specializes in the importation, distribution, and implementation of Nuclear and Life Sciences Technologies to the regional healthcare industry. We have a dynamic team with over a decade of cumulative experience in the Nuclear and Life Sciences Technologies. Xenopia Group Limited boasts strong relationships with leading and innovative Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the Nuclear Medicine and Life Sciences Industry.

- Our BRANDS -

Innovative Distributor for Life ScienceTechnologies in Africa.

The brand is poised to be the most innovative and fastest-growing life sciences business in Africa’s healthcare spectrum. Genoscience represents the highest standards of quality, professionalism, and service.

Innovative Distributor for Nuclear Medicine Solutions in Africa.

The brand specializes in the importation & distribution of Nuclear Medicine Technologies. Registered to import, distribute, and transport nuclear medicine-based products by the Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority (KNRA) and the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB).

- Our Partners -

Xenopia Group Limited boasts strong relationships with leading and innovative OEMs in Nuclear Medicine and Life Sciences industries.